I am a trained economist with almost two decades of experience in economic and financial analysis. My primary researh interests include macroeconomics, econometrics, economic development, and behavioral economics. A unique aspect of my profile is that I have gained an in-depth understanding of policy relevant economic and financial issues from diverse perspectives, from having worked in the financial industry, at policy institutes, at a government banking regulator, and as an academic. I have wide and varied content expertise spanning financial markets, the housing sector, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, and household behavior. Some of my recent published work has focused on dynamics of durable goods spending in the U.S., overconfidence and ability, state policy and housing market dynamics, and international housing price cycles.
- Senior Financial Economist, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Professor of Economics, James Madison University
- Consultant, Indian Council for Research in International Economic Relations
- Assistant Manager, Citibank N.A.
- PhD in Economics, The Ohio State University
- M.A. in Economics, Delhi School of Economics
- B.A. in Economics, Delhi University