
Journal Articles

Government Policy and Land Price Dynamics: A Quantitative Assessment of China's Factor Market Reforms (with Mouhua Liao and Min Qiang Zhao)-Regional Science and Urban Economics, January 2023, Volume 98.

Role of credit and expectations in house price dynamics (with N. Kundan Kishor)- Finance Research Letters, December 2022, Volume 50.

(A)Synchronous Housing Markets of Global Cities (with N. Kundan Kishor)-(The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, April 2022.

Estimating Excess Sensitivity and Habit Persistence in Consumption Using Greenbook Forecast as an Instrument (N. Kundan Kishor and Hardik Marfatia)-Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, April 2020, Volume 82, Issue 2, pp. 257-284.

Re-thinking Debt Burden: Going with the Flow (with Andre Neveu)- Eastern Economic Journal. April 2019, Volume 45, Issue 2, pp. 179-203 .

Spatial Income Inequality in India, 1993-2011: A District Level Decomposition (with Mehtabul Azam)-Social Indicators Research, July 2018, Volume 138 (2), pp. 505-522.

Cohort Differences in Joint Retirement: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study-Journal of Labor Research, December 2017, Volume 38, Issue 4, pp. 475-495.

The Impact of EMU on Bond Yield Convergence: Evidence from a Time-Varying Dynamic Factor Model (with N. Kundan Kishor and Jun Ma)- Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 82, September 2017, pp. 206-222.

The Dynamic Behavior of Implicit Inflation Target in Inflation Targeting Lite Countries (with Amr Hosny and N. Kundan Kishor)- Economic Record, Volume 93, Issue 300, March 2017, pp. 67-88.

Like Father, Like Son? Intergenerational Education Mobility in India (with Mehtabul Azam)-Demography, Volume 52 (6), December 2015, pp. 1929-1959.

Bank Lending Channel in India: Evidence from State-Level Analysis (with N. Kundan Kishor)-Empirical Economics, Volume 45(3), 2013, pp. 1307-1331.

Are All Movements in Food and Energy Prices Transitory? Evidence from India (with N. Kundan Kishor)-Journal of Policy Modeling, Volume 37(1), 2015, 92-106.

Normative Behavioral Economics based on Unconditional Love and Moral Virtue (with Masao Ogaki and Yuichi Yaguchi)-Japanese Economic Review, Volume 66(2), 2015, 226-246.

Tough Love and Intergenerational Altruism (with Masao Ogaki)-International Economic Review, Volume 53(3), 2012, pp. 791-814.

Adolescent Alcohol Use and Intergenerational Transfers: Evidence from Micro Data-Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Volume 32(2), 2011 ,pp. 296-307.

Book Chapters and Proceedings

Measuring Trend Inflation and Inflation Persistence for India (with N. Kundan Kishor)- Monetary Policy in India: A Modern Macroeconomic Perspective, edited by Chetan Ghate and Ken Kletzer, Springer, 2016.

Policy Evaluation Based on Moral Virtue Ethics in the Tough Love Model: A Progress Report (with Masao Ogaki), Journal of Behavioral Economics and Finance, Proceedings, the 6th Annual Meeting, Volume 5, 2012, 249-251.

Tough Love, Intergenerational Altruism, and Worldviews (with Masao Ogaki), Journal of Behavioral Economics and Finance, Proceedings, the 2nd Annual Meeting, Volume 2, 2009, 130-132.

Has the Wealth Effect Changed Over Time? Evidence from Four Industrial Countries (with N. Kundan Kishor)-in Recent Advances in Estimating Non Linear Models, edited by Jun Ma and Mark Wohar, Springer, 2014.

Impact of Tariff Reforms on Indian Industry: Assessment based on a Multi-sector Econometric Model (with Arvind Virmani, B. N. Goldar, and C Veeramani); in Propelling India from Socialist Stagnation to Global Power, Volume 1: Growth Process by A. Virmani, Acdademic Foundation, 2006.